
podcasts Decaying Christianity Causing Folk Religions, Political Polarization, and Successor Religion

Author: Paul VanderKlay's Podcast

Full Title: Decaying Christianity Causing Folk Religions, Political Polarization, and Successor Religion

URL: https://www.airr.io/episode/605b331b439f5550315c54fb

Highlights from March 25th, 2021.

Speaker 0: of this sports. People derive terrific meaning from sports. And it was interesting when Jordan Peterson talked to Sam Harris. Sam Harris said, Well, football and Jordan's like, Yeah, but that's that's important and it is important. But how important is it? And that's sort of why Sam Harris plucked that out as an example. So you can construct a religion this way. I mean, Scientology. I mean, just just look at just just do any research into Scientology at all. Um, even its name is a con because science So we all believe in science. So Scientology, Scientology. I mean, it's just it's just brilliant as a scam, and if you build a hierarchy, they will come. Uh, there's a sucker born every day, and they will work for meaning
Speaker 0: betterment that that betterment does, of course, have some implicit and explicit selection of some goodness. You know, it's less covid is better than more covid, um, less hunger is better than more hunger. Less poverty is better than more poverty. I mean, there's there's lots of different things in the world that generally speaking, most of us can agree on. It is better for the world, and so to participate in that is a perfectly legitimate thing and can derive sort of the meaning coin that we need inside ourselves for our own well being. Now kindness is better than cruelty, but kindness is sort of a a substitute. It's sort of a methadone for love. Um, it's a discount version that we used to increase our